Psyche and Meaning or Why I Write

It was one of the first and one of my favourite discoveries I made living in the unconscious like I do that the primal psyche has absolutely no conception of the question “Why” it does anything. 

I often have to laugh, because reflecting and imaging the inner workings of the material objects it encounters is the most fundamental and forceful property of the unconscious drive, and yet the instinct itself is completely void of any innate capacity for self-contemplation. 

There is a wonderful dynamic that results when you consciously work with the unconscious and its primal instinct: you live with a tremendous and distinctive sense of purpose, direction, and force with regards to the evolution of your character; and yet you experience a delightful and liberating feeling of emptiness, meaninglessness and insignificance about your life and your interiority at the same time. 

The reason I recorded the biography of my inner life - the imaginal memoires, which gave rise to the Poetic Psychology - explains itself in a similar fashion: it was the fictional material arising in dreams and visions that silently conveyed I should tell my story. It is the imaginal life of the unconscious itself that continues to reveal thoughts and ideas to me about my inherent nature, and it is psyche’s own instinct that ultimately drives me to record, to engage with and to imagine them onward. 

At the same time, I can nevertheless sense distinctively that there isn’t really anything of meaning to convey at all – the unconscious has no plan or purpose with regards to the piece of fiction it is drafting through me, and so the story is futile and ultimately told in vain. I thus cannot claim to serve any global purpose by doing this or that I have anything of meaning or value to contribute to a wider purpose. 

This book, at the end of the analysis, represents nothing more and nothing less than a figment of psyche’s original imagination - the organic illumination of an singular materiality seen through the lens of the very nature of its own unconsciousness. 

Given that psyche is an instinct, and that instinct can never be fully grasped intellectually, I would like to highlight that my psychological perspectives, which follow below, as well as the material presented in the three volumes of the The Revelation(s) of Individuality and the Silent Emancipation of Being derive from close personal experience with the unconscious. 

Everything I know about the psyche is fundamentally based on my intuitive and imaginal senses, where only unconsciousness can see what lies hidden in the black soil of the deep mind, where only instinct can trail and make sense of psyche’s drives and where only the existence as an image can enter and move in the archetypal imagination. 

There would be so much to say about Analytical and Archetypal Psychology, the Jungian and Hillmanian theories that capture many of my experiences in their essence. I only can, and I only want to, speak about those ideas that I have come to know intimately, because I have lived them and because they are the source of my deep love for life and that strange and exciting fantasy, in which it cast me. 

Trying to talk more academically or about anything else always gets me stuck in a mental headlock, and I trust that the thoughts arising from this contrived state of mind could not possibly be insightful or enjoyable for anyone.