Psyche's Instinct

The psyche is essentially an unconscious instinct and for this very reason, it will always behave instinctually before anything else (there is, in reality, no emotion and no thought in human life that is not preceded by an instinctual unconscious impulse). The question whether intellect is superior to instinct is entirely moot. It is not a matter of value, but of sequence and of origin, i.e., instinct is more original than intellect. Furthermore, it is vital to understand that where pure instinct is present, there is no emotion, however human beings, conditioned through their senses, are ultimately unable to experience this. Feeling will always be present, mixed in with and oftentimes collude where encounters with the unconscious are concerned. This is a good thing in many ways, since it is precisely emotions that are a helpful compass when it comes to understanding the language of the psyche, which tends to appear completely random, irrational, and non-sensical to the human brain. Being a drive, a primary purpose of the psyche is not only to penetrate matter and image its essence, but to ensure its own survival. It will therefore always act in a way that sustains its own life, and it is for this reason, in fact, that every dream, every vision, every gut feeling, and unsolicited (spontaneous) daydream or fantasy are not only instinct-driven “revelations” about the nature of a human life, but quite literally psychological survival mechanisms. As mentioned above, the basic drive inherent in the psyche is perceived by humans through their senses, and it follows that it’s instinctual mode will always fundamentally be sensual before it turns thoughtful. Since the most rudimentary and pure level of the human senses that can experience psychological activity are intuition and image, it is also my experience that the most peaceful and well-adapted way of living psychologically is thus intuitively and through the imagination.